Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why I Decorate

I've wrestled a great deal about if and why decorating is important. There are many people who don't have basic necessities and I'm droning on about paint colors. Puh-lease.

But here is one reason: there is a little girl in my house who is six years old. And God made her very, very creative. She notices colors and beauty. She's very sensitive and observant. She's my Morgan.

When we were done with the boxes from our I*KEA cabinets, Morgan asked for me to make this cardboard house. Within minutes she drew pictures on it and immediately... you guessed it... decorated it.

Let's have a close-up of her window picture: a happy little girl looking at falling snow from her curtained bedroom. Flowers in a vase. And a birdy. She notices the little things.

She made a welcoming door as well. I'm so glad. Because in our house, we like people to know that they're special and they're welcome to join our life.

And that's why I decorate.