Monday, January 11, 2010

Mudroom Weekend

After Dan and I tackled the placement of storage in our mudroom, we set to work to make it happen.

On Friday, I took advantage of Eve's long naps and was miraculously able to prime AND paint the first coat of the room. I have no idea how this happened, folks. It was a gift of God. I'm just sayin'.

And if you're wondering, the color I chose was called Coconut Milk. Doesn't that sound yummy?

And, lest I sound like I can do it all, please know that my kitchen was a relative wreck, my laundry was up to my eyeballs and I had no plan for dinner. But somehow I knew it would be frozen pizza.

That's how it goes down on remodel weekends.

So, wee in the morning on Saturday, Dan and I snuck downstairs and applied the second coat of paint. Here's my hubs admiring my painting work. *swoon*

And here's me, sans makeup, looking for all the world like the giddy paint-happy girly that I am. It's 6am and I have had no coffee. It's the paint fumes that keep me going. Paint fumes.

Fast forward to the afternoon: Here is the hubs installing our new storage cabinets.
He has no idea how se*xy I think he is when he does remodeling. No idea.

Okay, I'd be lying if I told you that Morgan gets *totally psyched* about home remodeling. Here's a non-posed collage of Morgan towards the end of the day. However, in our defense, we did feed her, pay attention to her and let her watch a movie. And what better way is there to spend a Saturday? Seriously.

We were done in the early afternoon with the cabinetry. Baby Eve took a looksie at our work.

But then she saw that there was a camera and quickly finished admiring our work.

Some tips we embrace about remodeling in PHASES:

1. It's tempting to leave all the tools out that we'll use again in, say, 2-6 weeks. But it's not wise.
-Children are around and most curious. Gotta keep them safe.
-We'll probably need them for other little things in the meantime.

2. Make-do Storage
Since we don't have time to build/install any shelving for our MANY bags in our mudroom, we made use of temporary storage pieces. We found a wire rack in the basement that will hold our bags for now. T'aint pretty but it'll get the job done and not make us feel rushed.