Saturday, January 2, 2010


In May of 2007, my husband and I left our first beloved house, a 75 year old bungalow, and headed west for the land of cookie cutter houses.

We weren't looking for a cookie cutter house; we wanted a small charming house, just like our last one. Only bigger.

We had two choices: Buy a fixer upper with potential for charm or buy a cookie cutter.

We had a three year old daughter. And were undergoing fertility treatments. We laid aside the need for charm in favor of a house in move-in condition. And lest I sound like I'm dissin' the new house, I should say that sound plumbing and proper electrical wiring are very, very nice.

I'm also proud to say that our fertility treatments and God's great big "thumbs up" resulted in a very healthy baby girl in December of 2008.

But our hearts still longed for charm in our house. Built-in bookcases. Little nooks. Nosy ivy growing up the house. Moulding. Gobs of moulding.

A cookie cutter house with charm? Is it possible?

We'll never know if we don't try.