Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Medicine Cabinet, Part II: What I Did With the Kids

I'm no expert, but from my perspective, kids don't care squat about home remodeling projects. This is Eve's expression pretty much all the time when I tell her about the latest project. It's a good poker face, don't you think?

So when I knew I had to fill a couple hours with Morgan on our gray Saturday morning while Dan installed a cabinet, I knew it had to be enjoyable for all people involved.

"Let's make a pizza, Morgan!" I said in my most ecstatic voice.
"No thanks, Mom."
(She can smell a distraction from a mile away.)
"Well, I thought you and I could play restaurant. And make a pizza," I offered. It pays to be persistent. She loved the idea.

First, we made the sauce. Every time I make sauce I think the same thing: "Well that wasn't hard to make at all." It's, like, five ingredients.

And then I told her to smile. This is what she did.
Super cute, but not her everyday smile.

"Smile your NORMAL smile," I told her.
Serves me right:

She took my picture as well.

She measured ingredients. And we talked. She stirred the ingredients. And between steps of assembling our pizza, we would visit Dan (who was busy installing the medicine cabinet).

And then, after a good bit of cooking and stirring and blending, the sauce was made and added to our pizza. Doesn't it look yummy?

She even made a menu.
She name the restaurant "The Cookers"... Is that adorable or what?

Now if you're anything like me, you're probably thinking, "Wasn't this a decorating blog? How did we start talking about making pizza?" To which I will answer thusly: This is a blog about decorating and remodeling AND having young children. This is an example of Dan and I tag teaming on watching the kiddos.

And if you want to know what our next project will be, I can give you a clue:
It's not going to be glam.

"Excuse me, Mr. Home Depot... where is your childproofing section?"