Wednesday, January 13, 2010


About a year ago, when I picked up The Emotional House book, I didn't realize that the reason I liked my house a certain way was because of the emotions it evoked.

Have you ever noticed how people act like their houses?

My friends who are accountants tend to like their houses clean, organized and neat. And they don't use a lot of pillows. (smile)

My friends who are crafty have projects started every which way and their home exudes a certain kind of creative energy. This energy is seen as mess by the accountants.

When people stay at my house, I want them to feel special. So I've spent some time making sure there is water in the guest room, a special note and some treats. And, most importantly, a comfy bed.

It was only recently that I realized that I go to great lengths to treat my guests to a nice bed, but that the most important man in my life doesn't get that. If he's lucky, he gets a made bed.

Now if Dan were to interject here he would say, "Hon, I really don't care about the bed. Either way is fine with me." But it's important to me to show that our bed and bedroom are special. A sanctuary.

Here's our bed.
It's not terrible. It's just fine.
And I'm not hatin' on it because, by jove, the bed is made. It's a great bed.

But I've been eyeing some layered looks in Pott*ery Barn's catalog.
I found this white stitched coverlet at Home*Goods store for a good deal.
So I started to layer the bed with the new quilted coverlet.
Then I pulled down the old bedspread in the "turndown service" fashion hotels use.
Why not?

Did I tell you I found pillows at the Home*Goods store as well?
These pillows are down filled and super cheap. One of them retailed for $45 and I can tell you right now that I did not pay a quarter of that amount.

And did I tell you that I have a phobia of color?
Our room is a sagey green and I don't know what to do with it.
Sometimes green can sing, but sometimes green just looks blah. Too safe.
But these southern looking printed pillows caught my eye and convinced me that the bedroom colors were going to be just fine.

Now I never liked making my bed before, even though it only took one big swoosh of my arm to cover the thing.
But now... something is different. I don't mind making the bed. It's fun.

And the effect? The bed rises up to greet us every time we enter the room.