Sunday, January 3, 2010

Three Things

There are several things necessary in order to do even minor remodeling to a house.

1. Time
2. Money
3. Energy/Desire

When Dan and I moved into our first house, we both worked so we had money.

We had time (in the form of weekends and evenings).

And desire? Heck, yeah. We were every bit the yuppy bungalow owning groupies that we always hoped to be.

Fast forward 5 years.
We had one child and hoped to have another.
Our "time" bank account was quickly diminishing.
Our moola was also being cut since I decided to be a stay at home mother.
And the desire was tabled for the sake of sanity. And our marriage. (That's right. We readily admit that never ending home projects do not always strengthen the old marriage.)

So for a long time, we just said "no" to anything needing to be improved or loved or made better. We watched TV. We had a baby. (Hello! Talk about busy!) I did a lot of dishes. And laundry. And as much as I'm loathe to admit it, a little piece of me died. The creative me.

Some days I was so bursting with creative juices, I was afraid that I would neglect children all day while ravenously picking up every paint sample Lowe's had to offer and paint the whole house a lovely shade of Sour Lime.

Something had to change. It just had to change...