Sunday, April 18, 2010


This is Dan, the man of Cookie Cutter House.
He's also the dubber of the term "cookie cutter" to our particular house.

I love this man.

He makes a mean brew. I don't drink beer much, but I've been told that it's wicked good.
He likes to look at its clarity.
And then drink up its frothy goodness.

He taught Morgan to play Connect Four this weekend.
Isn't that a great game?
I love how baby is sitting on his lap.

I love how he let her hold one of the pieces of the game in her hand.
She's holding it very tightly with her fat little baby hands.

"Don't move there, sister... He might connect four!"

Dan had ample opportunity to squash his daughter at this game.
He didn't really let her win, but he didn't snuff her out either. :)