Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where Am I?

Where have I been, I asked myself this evening.

And then I remembered:

The great Christmas Eve flood of 2009 left some basement evacuees in random places around the house. To restore order to the homestead, the hubs and I had to do some pretty non-glam remodeling.

There was some basement cleaning.

Which lead to re-organizing.

Now there's a Goodwill pile.

And there's talk of building shelves.

No pictures were taken because a) We are not proud of this and b) it's not something we wanted to celebrate, document or remember. I'm just sayin'.

Tomorrow, God willing, we will have a new backup sump. Look at this puppy:

I mean, doesn't that thing make you want to shout for joy?

My wallet will be crying but the responsible side of my brain (the left side) will be saying, "What a sensible choice you have made. Good job."

The right side of my brain is on vacation and designing to her heart's content in her imaginary world.

Back to the backup sump pump: I'm told it's a work horse. (Smile.) Better be.

Meanwhile... next weekend is slated for black and white tiling of the laundry room floor. Eeek!