Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chalkboard Plates, Continued

Four chalkboard plates.

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about these plates. At one point I thought, "Oh man, I'm gonna end up throwing these away, I just know it."

But then, they came together. And in a moment of joy I wrote:

My Morgan found me out and wanted to help. She thought that I didn't decorate the plate enough... the one that said her name.

So I let her have at it:

Would you believe that even a ONE YEAR OLD wanted to try?
(No, she didn't do the swirly things or write her name... she just poked at it with chalk. I still think she's a genius.)

I didn't have the heart to redo it because I love her little touches.

Did I tell you where I'm planning on putting these puppies?
Because if I didn't, I'm not gonna... not yet.

Stay tuned because I have a sweet little giveaway.

Like any painted wall surface, wiping the chalk off these plates should not be done with scrubbing. Use a dry cloth or a lightly wet one. They're still glazed plates, after all. But with the two coats of primer and two coats of matte paint, methinks these plates will have a long life at Cookie Cutter House.