Sunday, July 22, 2012

Five Things, Four Ways

Things I Do Well:
- Play "taco" with Eve... I hold her in my arms, legs on one side, head on the other and let her bum drop down so she is the shape of a taco. Then I ask her what she wants on her taco "Cheese, hamburgers, lollipops" as I pretend to put on ingredients and then chomp her up.
- Laugh at Morgan's jokes. She's hilarious. She's almost as funny as Dan.
- Connect emotionally. It oozes from me. Can't be helped. It irritates some people. :)
- Make cookies. 
- Have coffee with Dan in the morning. He's a joy to listen to.

Things I Don't Do Well:
- Exercise with regularity. *sigh*
- Plan laundry, cleaning and dinner making. I don't like schedules but I need them. So I flounder.
- Read. I SHOULD read more, but don't.
- Watch TV.
- High levels of details. I like to be simpler.

Things That Make Me Sad:
- How the sam heck am I going to lose these last 10 pounds?
- When I get mad at people for doing small, selfish things. It seems I can handle big, ugly things in life better than small, vain, irritating things.
- Rotten veggies in my fridge. :( Sorry, veggies.
- When I think badly about myself; Most of this has come from being a stay at home mom. Chaos does not make me feel successful. Or loving. Or smart.
- When people like to be victims in life. No matter what you say or do, victims love to be unhappy and to be hurt. I don't get it.

Things That Make Me Feel Happy:
- When I start the day trusting God for how the hours will unfold.
- When I make a pie.
- When I kick butt in my workout.
- When I finish something. Like my design collection. Or iron Dan's shirts. I love doing both.
- When a friend says something to build me up.