Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yesterday I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew my license. Nothing like a good visit to the DMV to make one see age.

DMV Personnel: "Is your information the same? Same address?"

Me: "Yep... same address."

DMV Personnel: "Same everything?"

Me: *gulp* "Well, my weight has changed a little since I had two babies."

I gave an awkward grin and the person across the counter gave me a dull look.

DMV Personnel: "And what IS your weight?"

I paused. Do I tell her how I'm fluctuating five pounds every month and that my REAL weight is probably right around the corner? Do I tell her that I would've worked out this week but BOTH my babies got sick and then I got stressed and ate cookies?

I fibbed two pounds and told her my weight.

Well, I didn't fib completely... I WAS that weight two months ago for about 24 hours after I had food poisoning.

My land, I have become a small person, fibbing over two pounds. Does it really make a difference in how you view yourself, Emily? C'mon, girl... pull yourself together.

Next I went to the cashier who machine-gunned instructions to me so quickly that I had to ask her to repeat it. She wanted me to go to "camera" and flung her arm in the general direction of the front of the room.

What I'm going to say next is no big surprise to anyone who has been to the DMV, but I will alert you anyway: The Department of Motor Vehicles does not care how you look in your license and will not let you retake your picture.

Which is why my eyes are half-lidded. The reason I'm not really smiling is because I have braces. So help me, I better not be wearing braces ten years from now when I get my next license.

I liked myself more before I went to the DMV.

I think I'll have a cookie.

*Don't even think about asking to see my pic. You know who you are.*