Wednesday, November 16, 2011


On the ala carte menu of motherhood, I distinctly remember ordering a cute, energetic and sweet offspring. I knew they would still fall in the "sinner" category and that my life would be altered irrevocably forever after, but the cuteness of the child would help me see beyond life's bumps.

When I discovered that some bumps in life almost become debilitating, I can't tell you how much I appreciate being a part of MOPS. (Mothers Of PreSchoolers.)

I am in a MOPS group right now that is rich with amazing moms, women who are in the trenches of motherhood. These are women who put on a happy face for their 2 year old even though they are going through deep waters of life: cancer, joblessness, marital trouble, financial woes. These women stand up every Monday morning, put on their "work boots" and continue to nurture, pray, have faith in God's provision, hope.

These are the women who spurn everything that would erase the strong spirit God has placed in them and remind themselves that they are made in God's image, loved by God.

In hospital rooms they don't want to be in, they are reminded that God is there.

In marriages where tenderness is threadbare, they lock their identity in God.

When they look down at their boots and wish they could have a new pair for winter, they look expectantly to God.

I am so blessed to be part of this group. I initially came to MOPS for the crafts, the food and the free childcare. (Hey, you would too if you saw the amazing dishes these ladies bring!) But now I come for other reasons. I come to be in the fellowship of their honesty, to laugh at their joys in the life, to ache for their frustrations.

I come because I don't have the answers to all of the curve balls of motherhood. Somehow, by linking arms with other women who love their kids, who look to God, I am strengthened.

In our MOPS group, we have this amazing swap table. You bring things you don't want anymore... like clothing your child has outgrown... and you take whatever you want. You don't have to bring anything in order to take anything from the MOPS table. It's complete grace. I can't tell you how many times I have needed something for my children and *voila* right there on the swap table is... a new pair of size 10 winter boots for girls... a toy that my daughter would love... an adorable shirt. It saves me a shopping trip; so thankful.

The giving is just as fun. When my daughter Eve has outgrown her clothing, I love to see people take a bag home of her clothes. It gives me such joy to know they are going to be useful once more.

This Friday is our next MOPS meeting. We're slotted to hear a speaker on the topic of humor in motherhood. A throng of week-weary women will come to hear this speaker. The women will come quietly into our meeting room, cradle their hot coffee and sit down. They'll ask each other about their week. They'll nosh on some lovely egg casserole. And then, as the room warms up, and their minds unwind, they'll share their hearts.

I, for one, can't wait.