What You'll Need
A zest for words
Stock paper
Fine point marker
Old paintbrush
Wonder Under™ Fusible Web
Fabric Scraps... about 5" x 5" per ornament
Template (At bottom of page)

1. Download the template or make your OWN "In OTHER Words" template. Print template onto stock paper.
(Essentially these are portions of the biblical Christmas story with one word removed. Your child will help you replace this word with his/her OWN word.)

2. Here's the part that is the most fun: Ask your kiddo another word for, say, "joy"... My Morgan came up with "YIPPEE" and proudly wrote it on the card which was missing the word for joy.

3. Okay, now that THAT is done, rough-cut your circles out of the stock paper. I mean REALLY keep it rough because you'll cut it finer later and you want some margin on the edges so you can cut it well. We're about to use some wonderful material called "Wonder Under".
4. Cut a scrap of fabric large enough so it will cover the back of your circle. Do the same with your Wonder Under Fusible Web. Put the web side of your Wonder Under piece so it meets the underside of your fabric. Iron it for about 10 seconds until it seems to have really fused with the fabric.
5. Gently peel off the paper of your Wonder Under. The paper should come off without sticking to the Wonder Under. If it sticks, stop what you're doing and re-iron.
6. Now take your rough-cut ornament shape...
... and iron the web side of the Wonder Under fabric to the BACK side of your ornament. If you haven't guessed by now, we are putting a decorative fabric backing on the ornament.
7. NOW you can fine cut your ornament. Eeek! Exciting!
Keep cute and cudly babies far away from this craft. They appear innocent but they are not.
Can you guess what we'll do next?
8. Hole punch where you want your ribbon to hang.
9. Take an old paintbrush and brush glue on the outside edges. Then pour glitter of your choice on the glued part to bling it out.
Ain't it perdy? Make a half dozen and call it a day. :)
The Lesson of "In OTHER Words"
Jesus doesn't want us to come to him with many words, just our OWN words.
Matthew 6:7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.