Shhhh! I'm posting this early for Monday morning fun because I'm having a surprise giveaway this week! Stay tuned!

What You'll Need:
Sculpey clay
Evergreen twigs
Round biscuit or cookie cutter... about 3-4" in diameter
An oven
Baking sheet
1. Get your Sculpey out. There are a host of colors in the realm of Sculpey. Dig it.

2. Gather ye some evergreen twigs. They don't need to be very big... about 4" or so.
3. Roll out the Sculpey so that it's about 1/4" thick.
4. Cut the Sculpey with your biscuit cutter.
5. Gently press an evergreen twig into the clay.
6. Determine where you want the top of your ornament to be and use the straw to make a hole there. This is where the ribbon will hang.
(Ornament with hole for hanging.)

Voila! An imprint ornament! Make a hundred and give them to unsuspecting grandparents.
The Lesson of The Imprint Ornament
The evergreen is a symbol of eternity.
When you allow God to imprint your life, you show his eternal-ness to others.