What You'll Need:
Card stock
Foil baking cups
Small paintbrush
Template (at bottom of page)
Hole punch
1. Print out the template for the project onto card stock, available at office supply stores. The circles are approx. 3.5" in diameter. I have provided a template at the bottom of the page.

2. Take your foil cups and flatten five of them.

3. Take your small paintbrush and carefully, but generously apply glue to the letters on your paper.

4. Here's the FUN part... sprinkle glitter liberally onto the glued surface.

Don't be grinch-like in your glitter application!
6. Then shake it off like a bad compliment. (Sorry... little humor there.)
7. Glue the glitter circle to the flattened foil cup. When it is dry, punch a hole in the top in order to hang it.