Thursday, November 15, 2012

The View from Here

When you go to a public place and don't know where you are, it's always a relief to see a large, backlit map in the middle of said public place and that little red triangle which reads "You are Here".

It doesn't say "You are lost."
It doesn't say "You really messed up."
It doesn't even say, "Are you really going to wear that?"

It simply lets you know, "You are here."

Unemployment is a lot like that sticker. There is a vague feeling of unrest, always checking the map to see where we're supposed to be headed. And when we repeatedly ask God, "Where are we going?" the answer is often, "You are here."

There are several rules to unemployment. Nobody tells you these rules; you have to figure them out on your own.

1. Every day is Monday. And every day is Friday.
Every day feels like a combination of studying for a big exam and having an enormous, unplanned day-long vacation. Exams are okay when you know that there is a semester's end in sight. And vacays are more fun when you feel a sense of control. For instance: Knowing that you actually planned the vacation for a set period of time and knowing that your employer was paying for that vacation. But when each day feels like both, it's okay to feel confused. That's natural.

2. It's Important to Have Goals.
It may not seem like much, but if you let your sense of enthusiasm atrophy,  you're bound to look flabby during interviews. So do things that drive you. Do day long projects for which you can only eat lunch in 5 minutes because you're SO busy. Clean an entire basement. Read the longest novel you can find, the one you usually use as a door stop during summer winds. Do something-- anything-- to remind yourself what it feels like to be employed, to be busy. That way, when you arrive at an interview there will be a flush of life pulsing through your face showing yourself to be healthy, motivated and strong.

3. Face the Worst, Hope for the Best.
I have a friend who says that when you face the very worst that can happen and realize that God is STILL there, there is no place for fear. So face the worst. Think about it. Have a rough plan. But then lift all your cares to God, being thankful for his love for you. God loves to give good gifts to his children.

Do not worry about tomorrow. Worry does not improve you or your situation. If you feel fear creeping into your mind, remind yourself of the prayer that Jesus taught us, the one which told us to ask for our daily bread. We do not live in tomorrows, only todays.

Then smile. After all, "You are here."