Thursday, July 22, 2010

Abraham Lincoln

I'm trying to keep my daughter's brain from completely rusting out due to excessive s'more and Flavor Ice inhalation. The local library tends to do the trick.

I'm teaching my dear Morgan about herself, her family and where she lives this summer. What better way to kick off the study of Illinois than to read about shady governors learn about Abraham Lincoln?

This is my school door. I attached a piece of sheet metal to my basement door and *voila*... now it can accommodate magnets. And little girl drawings. And school work.

We learned that Abraham Lincoln was six foot, four inches.
So we took Morgan's height and taped it on the door.

We did this with the height of our whole family.
And Abraham Lincoln, our tallest President.
I wanted Morgan to see how tall six foot four was.

And then, in a moment of chocolate crazed stupor, I decided that we should continue learning with our sense of TASTE.
Oreos and black frosting. Interesting...

And melting chocolate...

And marshmallows dipped in the chocolate...
Okay, I'll tell you:
We're making Abraham Lincoln tophats.

It was a little tricky to get the coated marshmallows to stay up.
I skewered them and pulled the skewer through the underside of a drying rack.
It was a two person job. Who knew?
(Please, someone clever-er, educate me on how I could have done this with more ease. I am ALL ears.)

We coated the Oreos and the marshmallows.

And then we put the black "glue" on the Oreo...

... and stuck Mr. Marshmallow on top.
A tophat, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Doesn't look a thing like it, does it?
But we had fun, yes we did.