Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer Coma

Oh Bloggy-land... How I have missed thee.

I had every intent of blogging, but life came in big, fat, indigestible chunks. I'm not sure where time went, but here's what I do know:

1. I have small children and a wonderful hubs. And they come first.

2. I feel guilty for writing a blog about how to do home improvements and still maintain a family life. I'll be honest: the pergola installation kicked my tush around the block. T'wasn't easy, friends.

Meanwhile: Our church is doing Vacation Bible School. And somehow I thought I could breezily make a city skyline for our sanctuary in my "spare" time. (Enter psycho laughter here.)

Here's what I've done with the help of MANY people:
Five 14' tall buildings and two 10' tall ones. In a week. With small children.
Again: MANY people helped me.
Call me crazy.

The weekend of the pergola installation was crazy, too.
We took measurements for two days before we cut a single board. Nuts.

Morgan helped us with nails:

It was hard work. (Rolling eyes.)

And then our friends Steph and Piet came over with their two delightful offspring.
Eve and Kai cheered on their daddies through the screen door.

There was a lot of measuring. (Boring.)

This pic is for me: I have a thing for Dan's calves.

I swear I could marry this man.
Oh wait... I already have.

Hard working dude.

It was a hard day, but Piet managed to smile.

And this is my friend Steph at a different venue, but I pinky swear she was this smiley all day during the pergola installation.

T'aint finished, but it's nearly there. Gorgeous. A dream come true.

Stay tuned in the near future for sparkly lights and outdoor curtains. :)