Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hat Making

I have a bald looking toddler. She's adorable.
But people keep calling her a boy.
"I'll make her a hat," I said to myself, "a really froo-froo one."


They make it look easy in the movies. Women taking up the hobby of hat making.
"I love your pillbox hat, Mabel."
"Why thank you, Gertrude. I took lessons from the Ladies Society."


Attempt One:
Fabric too heavy (linen, lined).
Hat too small.
Fabric flowers look droopy and sad.

Attempt Two:
Use hat I already have and ADD flowers to it.
Result: Oddness.

Attempt Three:
Buy pattern.

Disregard mending of church puppets.

Disregard other projects.

Hat sewn in 30 minutes. (At last!)
Placed on measuring cup so I can prepare hat for flowers...

Fabric glue, eh? Never used it.
But boy is it easy and fun.
(Hand wash only.)

Oh my... A garden hat. :)
Needs something for the middle of the flowers...

Tweezers are necessary. Makes the job easier.

It looks like Eve will have some synchronized swimming in her future.

If at first you don't succeed... keep spending money until you do.

It doesn't fit me. Hopefully the child will endure it.